3 Ways to Boost the Wellness of Your Employees this Fall 

After a summer like that, who isn’t excited for the cool temperatures and vibrant colors of fall?!

Well, the HR professionals and managers who know that this time of year is typically marked by a cacophony of coughs coming from the conference room might not be… But does fall always have to be known as cold and flu season? Can’t we enjoy the cozy gloom of autumn without a stuffed-up nose or two weeks of tummy troubles? 

With a few smart moves and workplace vaccines to boot, we absolutely can. Beyond providing access to healthcare, creating a culture that supports well-being can positively impact employee health, productivity, and retention.

So read on, fellow professionals, for 3 practical tips to elevate your company’s wellness initiatives this fall!

In This Article:

1. Employee Education: Make it Easy for Your Team

Educating your team about the health resources available to them is the first step of a proactive approach to community wellness. Why? When your employees are well-informed, they’re better equipped to make healthy choices that benefit the company as a whole. 

Help your colleagues and team members utilize their support services effectively with clear, concise, and consistent education: 

  • Clear Documentation: Provide guides, FAQs, or one-on-one conversations that clearly illuminate the health benefits, insurance coverage, and support resources your employees have available to them. 
  • Concise Workshops: Bring the team together with educational sessions on topics like how stress management affects overall health to create an atmosphere of openness and underscore the importance of self-care. 
  • Consistent Communication: Utilize internal portals and communication centers like newsletters to share vital information about wellness programs, onsite vaccine clinics, and updates to health resources.

Because empowering your workforce with the tools they need to prioritize their health can have long-lasting benefits for your team. Like improved morale and less PTO for sick leave. 

Learn More: Why Get Vaccinated at Work? FAQs for Employees

2. Cultivate a Wellness-Oriented Environment

But don’t just talk about it! 

Walk the walk by making subtle, yet powerful, changes in the office environment to promote health and wellness. By communicating through action, employees are more likely to understand that your workplace values and prioritizes each individual’s well-being. 

And it doesn’t have to be a total overhaul of your office’s ventilation system to reduce airborne irritants and illnesses — though that would definitely help! Work with your company’s budget to make smaller adjustments that improve the day-to-day experience of your employees through things like: 

  • Reliable Access to Hydration: It’s crucial to provide clean, filtered water to your employees to prevent dehydration and the issues that come with it, like lowered cognitive functioning and fatigue.
  • Stay Stacked with Healthy Snacks: Stock the office pantry with nutritious snacks like fruit and nuts, or, at the very least, provide a clean space for employees to bring their own food from home.
  • Go Green, Girl: Did you know that, according to NASA, some plants and their soil can improve indoor air quality? Bring some greenery into your office to help your employees breathe easily and bring up the vibes in general. 

3. It’s On-Sight: Onsite Workplace Vaccines, That Is

While it might be the last on this list, an onsite vaccine clinic for your employees should be #1 on yours. 

Convenience and accessibility both play major roles in determining whether or not your employees will be able to take proactive steps for their health. So rather than leaving the crucial step of getting vaccinated up to chance, bring the vaccination opportunity to them directly. 

By sidestepping the barriers that typically prevent people from getting vaccinated — like having to take off work, find transportation, and work around schedule conflicts — workplace vaccines are the most powerful thing you can provide to protect against seasonal illness in your office.

You’re also utilizing the familiarity of the office environment and the comfort of coworker support in a beneficial way. This can help to assuage the anxiety that can come when we’re in close proximity to needles. 

And before you ask — no, the onsite vaccine clinic process doesn’t have to be disruptive to the work day when you partner with a reputable vaccine service provider. So be sure to choose a vaccine team with, preferably, hundreds of successful remote clinics under their belt. (Cough, cough — like us!) 

Learn More: Onsite Vaccine Clinics: FAQs for Employers

Workplace Vaccines: Your Team is Valuable, And So Is Their Health

As we inch closer and closer to the fall season, prioritizing employee wellness becomes less of a want and more of a need. But these steps toward total team wellness aren’t just gestures — they’re strategic investments in your company’s success. 

Making health education accessible, cultivating a wellness-forward atmosphere, and providing workplace vaccines for your employees are all effective ways to demonstrate your commitment to your team. Because we know you want your employees to thrive, but do they know you want that? 

These initiatives are a two-birds-one-stone option for fostering a culture where employees feel supported and valued, and for combatting seasonal illnesses that drive down productivity and work quality.

So let’s get started on elevating your company’s approach to wellness! Talk to one of our experts about setting up a workplace vaccination event today, so your employees can do their best work tomorrow and beyond.